Thursday 3 September 2009

I have put my first group of Poems on my Blog

more to follow




Tension holds my head lovingly

In the vice’s jaws embrace.


down on me

Are my fears and expectations.

Hot and anxious

I strive to achieve

The demands that

I place upon myself.

How hard to be

Just me

To let go

Of all the restraints.

And just be





I mourn for the lost boy

I call you back from the grave

I lament the small deaths

I cry for all the slights and hurts

I ask for his rebirth

I proclaim he is reborn

Whole once more.

Come the Fall

Come the Fall


One by one they turn

Slowly brown, sound of paper.

Falling in slow spirals, riding their trails in the air

Coming to rest, isolated from the whole

But then seeing more follow

Their fate

Until, the whole

Becomes a


Of it’s

Former                                          icy blasts the last leaf

Self                            voicing hollow sighs              to the ground

The wind rips through the branches                            It stands naked to the elements

                                                        Wishing for another spring.




To transport your heart

On the wings of prayer

And to bring it safe to me.

That I may cherish

And hold it near

For all eternity.

To hear it beating near me

Like a deep Ancestral Drum.

Fills me with a longing

That our hearts

Be joined as one.





For the one inside

Who was so free?

That Fate’s cruel hand

Had turned the key

So locked inside

Glimpsed fleetingly

You spend your days

In solitary

Bottled up inside.




The tight, binding band

Of conformity

Has been loosed

from my chest.

And a choir of children

Can once again

Come out to play.

One Heart Beats

One Heart Beats


One Heart Beats

We are adrift

on a vast ocean

like fish we dance

in clouds of colour

amidst the coral

transfixed by the beauty.

Yet, watchful, tentative

unsure and fragile.

Bursting with life

we pulse and vibrate

Shockingly close

but yet apart

Different but the same.


In Life -

we mirror this dance.

Pursuing our separate visions

yet empty and wanting

Needful of the Ocean's

Comforting swell

and our links with

the rest of Humanity.

One Universe

One Earth

One Nation.

All under one Skin.


Sleep Walking

Sleep Walking


Dreams are best viewed at night.

As, when met by day

They hide the sun

With scenes of past splendours.

Chained to tomorrow

With future possibility.

Rosy hued rememberings

That cloaks the thorns

Of one’s humanity.

That paper over the cracks

In our “house of cards”.

Shimmering castles in the air

Until, the bubble bursts.




Sometimes, the weather pulls

a grey shawl across the day.

And life loses its glimmer

for a while.

But, if you look

deep within yourself

your uniqueness shines

out like a torch in the darkness.

Banishing thoughts of worthlessness

From the mind.


Saturday 29 August 2009

Well Worth Seeing!

A collection of British Surrealism brought together by prominent Leeds collector Dr. Jeffery Sherwin, will be on display at Leeds Art Gallery from 10th July. The exhibition will contain outstanding pieces including work by Eileen Agar, Roland Penrose, Henry Moore, Emmy Bridgewater and Conroy Maddox. Dr. Sherwin started collecting in 1986 after seeing the exhibition ‘British Surrealism in the 30s’ at Leeds Art Gallery. The retired medical doctor is the owner of the largest privately held collection of British Surrealism in existence.

Monday 17 August 2009

More Mindess Stuff

Well as promised

My latest Podcast for August with Text File combined

Saturday 4 July 2009


Inspired by this European Digital Rights Initiative article on "The Silence of the Chips" (a proposal to redesign your radio-enabled ID cards so that you can control when they work and when they're switched off), Oneillkza created this CC-BY logo for the idea, and made a CafePress tee in case you wanted to add it to your sartorial repertoire.
One of the most important action point is the launch of "a debate on the technical and legal aspects of the 'right to silence of the chips', which has been referred to under different names by different authors and expresses the idea that individuals should be able to disconnect from their networked environment at any time."This is one of the main actions of the plan in order to allow the usage of the RFID while respecting privacy and the protection of personal data, two fundamental rights of the EU.
Silence of the Chips (Flickr)Silence of the Chips (CafePress)
(via Beyond the Beyond)

Monday 30 March 2009

My Direction

I dedicate my energies to the Internet

Off Grid

I have just started to build my Media Hub and am starting to test the different ways of empowering this endeavour with my own podcasts and blogs. What Homepage access and the relevant social groups etc.
I will keep my progress on this Blog for the present time.
Blessings Alan

Monday 12 January 2009

Baby Barn Owl

Just a image to test Blogger

read more | digg story