Saturday 30 November 2019

One in Three

Today 1 in 3 people around the world lack safe drinking water. Nearly as many of them drink from a water source contaminated with faeces. Many more lack safe sanitation, including 3 billion people around the world who don’t have basic hand-washing facilities at home. 
Yet, universal access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation could reduce the global disease burden by 10 per cent and is considered the most cost effective health intervention.
In November, we explore how water and sanitation remain at the core of sustainable development, affecting not just our health but also significantly influencing socio-economic development, peace and security, inequalities and the wellbeing of our ecosystems.   
For more information on water, please visit

Thursday 21 August 2014

A long time between posts!

As usual my disipated energies have weaved their magic among my many interests.
Like the butterfly flitting from flower to flower collecting the nectar.
Now, the cycle has come full circle and again I am at the crossroads not knowing where to go or what to do if I decide to strike out in a perticular direction.
So I post this post as a direction holding to empower me to action.

Thursday 3 September 2009

I have put my first group of Poems on my Blog

more to follow




Tension holds my head lovingly

In the vice’s jaws embrace.


down on me

Are my fears and expectations.

Hot and anxious

I strive to achieve

The demands that

I place upon myself.

How hard to be

Just me

To let go

Of all the restraints.

And just be





I mourn for the lost boy

I call you back from the grave

I lament the small deaths

I cry for all the slights and hurts

I ask for his rebirth

I proclaim he is reborn

Whole once more.

Come the Fall

Come the Fall


One by one they turn

Slowly brown, sound of paper.

Falling in slow spirals, riding their trails in the air

Coming to rest, isolated from the whole

But then seeing more follow

Their fate

Until, the whole

Becomes a


Of it’s

Former                                          icy blasts the last leaf

Self                            voicing hollow sighs              to the ground

The wind rips through the branches                            It stands naked to the elements

                                                        Wishing for another spring.




To transport your heart

On the wings of prayer

And to bring it safe to me.

That I may cherish

And hold it near

For all eternity.

To hear it beating near me

Like a deep Ancestral Drum.

Fills me with a longing

That our hearts

Be joined as one.